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Phoenix Equestrian & Pet Supplies

Saki Hikari Colour Enhancing Large [SNG] 5kg - Discounted stock

Saki Hikari Colour Enhancing Large [SNG] 5kg - Discounted stock

Regular price £30.00
Regular price £135.00 Sale price £30.00
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RRP £135.00



49178 Saki-Hikari Colour 5kg Exceptional quality daily diet which promotes superb colouring - Rich in pure-cultured Spirulina and Zeazanthin, promoting vivid colour enhancement of the Hiban (red areas) without negatively impacting on the Shiroji (white areas) - Includes a strain of Bacillus bacteria called Hikari-Germ. Hikari-Germ is good bacteria which, when fed, becomes active in the Koi's intestinal tract. Hikari-Germ creates beneficial digestive enzymes thereby improving the digestive capacity of Koi. Hikari-Germ also helps support the fish's own good bacteria, helping prevent a build up of bad bacteria thereby helping build up stronger natural defences. Furthermore, waste that is excreted is highly decomposed by the activity of the bacteria, which helps maintain the quality of water while also reducing the load on the filter, therefore reducing maintenance. - Feed when the water temperature is 15 degrees C or above - Ideal for promoting natural beauty and colour in all championship grade Koi or Koi with championship potential - Size: Large pellet - Floating food

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